ERP Determination
- Due to the residency restrictions with solar calls, ERP determination will be based on the member's state residency for the weeks which these calls are filled.
- During those weeks, non-residents of that state will be eligible for ERP even if those calls go to Book 2 or beyond, unless other non-solar calls go to Book 2 or beyond.
- If other non-solar calls go to Book 2 or beyond, non-residents of that state will not be eligible for ERP that week.
Drug/Alcohol Testing
- Unless there is an Onsite Drug Test for the Job Call you are taking, you will need to be compliant with Reliable Drug Testing.
- The MUST drug test is reciprocal to the Reliable system. If you are MUST current, you will need to bring a printout of your MUST profile to the jobsite. You should also bring 2 forms of ID to the jobsite with you.
- If a job requires OSHA 10 or OSHA 30, a Toledo, Michigan or Fire Alarm License, it will be posted in the job call description.
- In an effort to better serve our members, contractors and customers, Local 8 implemented a BID/DAY HALL/CALL BOOK effective May 28, 2019.
- After new jobs are posted in the evening on the job line and on the website, a member can bid online, through a computer or mobile device, or call the job line and enter "1" for Book 1 (all classifications) to bid or enter "2" for Book 2 (all classifications) to bid.
- When placing a bid on the job line, please leave your name, classification, page and line number, as well as the job(s) you are interested in.
- Bidding begins at 4:30 p.m. and will be closed at 7:30 am. We will still have a day hall so a member can come in anytime after 7:30 am to sign the day hall sheet.
Daily Referral Schedule
- At 8:00 am, the Dispatcher will call those who bid on Book 1 and those in the Day Hall.
- If calls are filled by the Bid List/Day Hall, no one will receive nicks.
- If calls have not been filled by the Bid List/Day Hall, then the Dispatcher will begin calling the Top 20 on Book 1. Only people in the Top 20 will receive nicks if they do not accept a call.
- The website and job line will be updated, as early as possible, with any jobs remaining.
- After calling the Bid List/Day Hall/Top 20 on Book 1, the Dispatcher will begin calling the Bid List/Day Hall on Book 2, followed by calling the Top 20 on Book 2. Only people in the Top 20 will receive nicks if they do not accept a call.
Short Calls
- Will last a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 14 calendar days.
- Will roll through the book a maximum of 20 people per day.
- Will be filled before regular calls.
- While working a short call, you are not eligible to take a regular call.
- Anyone who is terminated for cause or who quits a short call will sign the back of the book.
- There are no nicks for short calls, either take the call that you are offered or wait until they get through the book again.
- Specialty calls such as welding, instrumentation, certified wind turbine, Nukes and Brush Wellman are exceptions.
- All license calls, OSHA 10 and background checks are NOT exceptions.
- Short calls do not erase any nicks from your place on the book.
- Upon successful completion of a short call, you must return your signed pinkie within 1 business day.
- If you do not return your signed pinky within 1 business day, you will lose your position on the book and must re-register in person.
Inactive Status
- Applicants on the book can request "inactive" status if currently employed out of town and making monthly reciprocity payments to the Toledo Electrical Welfare Fund.
- Verification may be required in the form of a referral and/or check stub to verify the start/end date of employment. The "inactive" member may request to go active anytime, but not later than 10 calendar days after their employment ends.
- If the inactive member does not notify referral of their "out of town termination" with the 10 day period, they will forfeit their position on the Book and have to sign the back of the Book.
- Once a member returns to active status, the member may only go inactive again if employed with a different referral.
Inactive Status due to Medical Condition
- Applicants on the Book can be medically "inactive" upon written documentation from a licensed physician.
- The medically "inactive" member may return to active status when fully released by a licensed physician.
Resigns in Other Local’s
- Any Local 8 member that has signed an out-of-town book that offers fax resigns can have Local 8 reregister them by contacting the Referral Office no later than 10:00 am the morning of resigns with their registration information.
- In order to stay on the resign list, you must contact the Referral Office each month and ask to resign you on those books.
- 10 days notice must be given to the Referral office.
- Vacations may be ended early, with 1 week notice.
- Members will retain their page and line number while on vacation.
- Members on vacation are not eligible for Short calls.
- Vacations may be up to two weeks (14 days) once per calendar year.
- The first time you log into the website, enter the following information:
Password = Last name (in all caps) - last 4 of your SSN
- To find your registration information (Book, Page and Line #), click the Bid Button at the bottom of the Job calls & Announcements Page. Upon logging in, your registration information will be listed under the My Account drop down at the top right side of the page.