National Electrical Benefit Fund (NEBF)
Mar 22, 2023

Members have the ability to log onto the NEBF/NEAP portal to update their information, gain access to your benefits, print their 1099R form and more. Click on Liaison Alert for more information.

2023 NEBF Temporary Return to Work Amendment

The NEBF has approved a temporary return to work amendment for 2023. All normal and early retirees
who retired prior to December 2022 are permitted to return to work in 2023 for up to 600 hours. Click on the link below for details. If you have any questions, contact MEGAN at Local 8 at 419-666-8920.

2023 Return to Work Notice


NEBF is based on working at least 300 hours/year for five (5) or more consecutive years. There are several retirement options available.

Normal Retirement - 65 yrs. of age and a member of the IBEW in continuous good standing for five (5) or more consecutive years.

NEBF offers an Early Retirement Benefit with no reduction as long as you meet all four of the specific criteria listed below.

1. You are Vested (5 or more years), and
2. You are age 62, 63, or 64, and
3. You are retired from the electrical  industry, and
4. You have worked for a Covered Employer for 300 or more hours  in any one of the seven calendar years immediately before the month of your 62nd  birthday.

If you do not meet all four criteria listed above, there is a Reduced Early Retirement Benefit option.

You are eligible to receive a Reduced Early Retirement Benefit at age 60 or 61 when you meet the requirements below:

1. You are vested, and

2. You are age 60 or 61, and

3. You are retired from the electrical industry, and

4. You have worked for a Covered Employer for 300 or more hours in any of the five years (for age 60) or six years (for age 61) immediately before the month of your 60th/61st birthday.

If you are age 60 on your Effective Date, your benefit amount will be reduced by 18.5%; at age 61 your benefit will be reduced by 9.25%.

Disability Retirement  - member must be totally disabled and a member of the IBEW in continuous good standing for twenty (20) or more consecutive years.

Vested Retirement - member must be in continuous good standing for twenty (20) or more consecutive years and cease being engaged in the electrical industry prior to the attainment of age sixty-five (65).

Members are encouraged to contact Megan in the Local 8 Business Office so that she can assist you with PBF and NEBF applications. She will also keep a copy on file. Therefore, if your situation changes in the future or you have questions, Megan can address the changes/issues with the Pension Benefit Fund and/or NEBF on your behalf.

Contact Megan in the Business Office at 419-666-8920 if you are contemplating retirement. She will give you a list of documents that will need to be sent in along with your pension applications.

Keep in mind, pension applications may take up to 90 days to process, so please schedule your appointment in advance.   


NEBF Status Letters Mailed to Members

Recently, NEBF sent out status letters to members detailing hours and years of service. NEBF
typically has a 3-4 month lag from the time hours are reported and the hours shown on your account.

To check on your NEBF benefits, log onto their Online Benefits Portal at www.nebf.com/nebf
and create an account; just keep in mind, all of your 2023 hours will not be recorded yet.

Contact Megan in the Business Office at 419-666-8920 if you have any questions.

IBEW Local 8
807 Lime City Rd
Rossford, OH 43460

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